The opening of the board (開板) was meant to open the board and open the lid.
this phrase occurred form right after the Korean War, when there was not enough to eat, we tried to ration relief food, It was a time when normal people generally didn't have their watches,
If the rationer of the relief food yells, it's five minutes before the opening, they shout "개판오분전 (GePan o Bun Jeun)". That means just 5 minutes left for opening.
at this time, People are crowded, flocking, and shouting, From this point on, if there's a situation where it's chaotic and chaotic, or if it doesn't seem to be organized This is called the opening of the gate five minutes ago."개판오분전 (GePan o Bun Jeun)"
this phrase occurred form right after the Korean War, when there was not enough to eat, we tried to ration relief food, It was a time when normal people generally didn't have their watches,
If the rationer of the relief food yells, it's five minutes before the opening, they shout "개판오분전 (GePan o Bun Jeun)". That means just 5 minutes left for opening.
at this time, People are crowded, flocking, and shouting, From this point on, if there's a situation where it's chaotic and chaotic, or if it doesn't seem to be organized This is called the opening of the gate five minutes ago."개판오분전 (GePan o Bun Jeun)"
When you hear the word “Gea” in Korean, it often means “dog” (Gea).
It's often misunderstood to mean just before a dizzying array of dogs a dizzying situation where many dogs are running around.
The meaning is similar, but the origins are different.
개판 오분 전 (開板五分前) 유래,
개판(開板)은 판을 열다, 뚜껑을 열다의 의미였다.
그런데 전쟁 직후, 먹을 것이 모자라고 없을때, 구호식량을 배급하려는데,
당시엔 시계를 일반적으로 모두 가지고 있던 시절이 아니여서,
구호식량을 배급하는 사람이 개판 오분전이라고 소리를 지르면,
사람들이 우르르몰려와 아우성을 치게되는데, 이때부터 무질서하고 어지러운 상황, 정리가 안될 것 같은 상황이 되면, 이를 개판오분전이라고 한다고 한다.
"개(Gea)"라는 말이 붙으면 "개(Gea)" (dog)을 의미하는 경우가 많아
개들이 와글와글 많이 몰려드는 어지러운 상황 직전을
개판 오분전으로 오해하는 사람도 많다.
의미는 비슷한데, 유래는 다르다고 한다.
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