
기레기 Gee Re Gee

  It's a portmanteau of journalists (자) and trash(쓰레기). 

레기 Gee Re-Gee = journalists (자) and trash(쓰레기). 

It is used to criticize the behavior of low-quality journalists and those who make money by writing fake news and slanderous articles that do not serve the public interest. It is often used to criticize journalists who write low-quality articles, such as fake news, politically biased articles, political propaganda, fabrications, and articles using unverified sources. 

source: https://namu.wiki/w/%EA%B8%B0%EB%A0%88%EA%B8%B0?uuid=ff4ff522-e5bc-4e49-b294-396fff50ae81

So in Korea, there are a lot of conspiracy theories, false articles, and articles that are completely different from the facts. In a way, you might think this blog could be a form of 레기 Gee Re-Gee. I'll try to avoid that. 


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