
안탑깝다. 유래 AnTakGgabDa origin

안탑깝다 AnTakGgabDa  'It's a pity' means that something doesn't go as planned or that it's pitiful and sad to see. For example, it can be used as follows: 
안탑깝다 AnTakGgabDa. It's a pity that you didn't get promoted.
안탑깝다 AnTakGgabDa.  It's a pity that you gave up now when it was almost over.
안탑깝다 AnTakGgabDa. It's a pity that she went back to drinking after treatment for her addiction.
안탑깝다 AnTakGgabDa.  This accident is really a pity.

Origin. The story of Antak-gap

1. A woman named Antak-gap insisted on marrying the king. She eventually married the king, but the king was so obsessed with Antak-gap that his subjects were worried and kept their distance.

2. A woman named Antak-gap insisted on marrying the king. She waited in front of the palace every day. When the king came out to secretly see the lives of the people, hiding his identity, the King met Antak-gap. Antak-gap also liked this person, but Antak-gap left because she had to meet the king.

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