
말짱 도루묵, 말짱 황이다. 말짱 도루묵이다. 멀쩡하다?

말짱 황이다. (Mal JJang Whang E Da) The meaning of the sentence is 
It is an expression used when the outcome of something is not profitable or rewarding.
In a card game, the card you got isn't what you expected, when the odds of this game are down, and you're annoyed, you can use this expression 말짱 황이다. (Mal JJang Whang E Da) 
When you make an investment and can't even recover the original investment amount, let alone the profit, it's called 말짱 황이다. (Mal JJang Whang E Da) . 

말짱 (Mal JJang) means 'all of them' or 'Every single detail' 
so, 말짱 헛거 (Mal JJang hut geu) 말짱 헛것 (Mal JJang hut gut) 
means All of these are invalid, and All of this is meaningless.
말짱 허꺼네. (Mal JJang hut GGu ne) 
and so 말짱 거짓말이다. (Mal JJang gu jit mal E Da) means 
Every single detail is a lie. 

말짱하다 (Mal JJang Ha Da) has a quite Wholly different meaning 
말짱하다 (Mal JJang Ha Da) means are explained at the end of this post.  this 말짱하다 (Mal JJang Ha Da) is equal to 멀쩡하다 (Mul JJung Ha Da= It's fine!). 

말짱 황이다. (Mal JJang Whang E Da) 
Similarly, there is 말짱 도루묵이다. (Mal JJang Dou Ru mook E Da)

말짱 황이다. (Mal JJang Whang E Da) 
말짱 꽝이다. (Mal JJang Kwang E Da) 
말짱 도루묵이다. (Mal JJang Dou Ru mook E Da) 
These 3 phrases are used when hard work goes in vain. 

Dou Ru mook ? 도루묵의 전설
During the war, the king on the run ate muk-eo (or mok-eo). He felt sorry for such a delicious fish with such a bad name, so he ordered it to be called 'eun-eo' from now on. However, when he returned to the palace later, he remembered the taste of the fish he had eaten then and tried it again, but it was not as delicious as before, so he ordered it to be called 'doru muk' ('doro mok'), and this is the origin of doru muk. 
도루 doro, doro means again or back to the original.

멀쩡하다(Mul JJung Ha Da= It's fine!). = 말짱하다 (Mal JJang Ha Da) has a quite holly different meaning ~ 
말짱하다 (Mal JJang Ha Da)  
Flawless and complete : Do you want me to buy you another clean, fine cellphone? 멀쩡한 휴대전화, 말짱한 휴대전화 = clean, fine cellphone.

so, All of this is meaningless. 
말짱 황이다.
말짱 꽝이다.
말짱 도로묵이다. 
말짱 허거네 .
말짱 거짓말이네.
말짱 사기네.

멀쩡하다의 의미로 말짱하다.를 쓸때는 fine. 
his face is fine 얼굴 말짱한데. = 얼굴 좋다. 얼굴 멀쩡하다.
clean and blue sky 하늘 말짱하다 = 하늘이 깨끗하다.
clean and fine shoes 신발 말짱한데 = 신발이 아직 멀쩡하다. 

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