
웃프다. 웃픈

픈 (Woot ffeun) is a compound word.
기다(woot gi Da). 다(woot Da) Funny, laughing. 
프다(seul peu Da) 슬 (Seul peun) sad, lamentable, dolorous, tearful, tristful... are a combination of words. 

기다(woot gi Da). 다(woot Da)  The funny part of laughter 
and 슬프다 the sad part of peeun
are combined to make 픈 (woot-peun)
sometimes, 프다 (woot Pee Da) 

There's an expression like this.
I'm not laughing. Even when I'm laughing, 
Even when I'm laughing, I cry.

If you step on dog poop and slip and fall, it's so funny, but you spill the coffee you were holding and your elbow gets cut and starts bleeding,,,,, it's a funny-poor situation. 
You can also say, 픈 (woot-peun) or 프다 (woot Pee Da) 

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