
시쳇말(時體말 See chat mal) 요즘 흔히 하는 말로~

시쳇말(時體말 See chat mal) means  "In common parlance"
Similarly, you can use the '흔히 하는 말로~' (Heun hee ha nun mal ro) 
These represent words, phrases, and phrases popular in that era. So, if you don't add a “시쳇말(時體말 See chat mal) ”, it might not be understood by people who aren't as fashionable. 
On the other hand, in polite conversation, when you want to convey or emphasize the most appropriate meaning, even though it is not suitable for polite discussion, you may use the expression to convey or emphasize the meaning more precisely. 

시쳇말(時體말 See chat mal) means  
In common parlance
as they say these days, 
as they say.. 

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