
낄끼빠빠 Gikkippappa

낄끼빠빠 Gikkippappa is an abbreviation of this sentence "낄꺼면 끼고 빠질테면 빠져라" (GGil KKu mun GGigo, PPajilte Mun PPa Jue Ra)

this mean is 
"When it's time to put it on, put it on, and when it's time to take it off, take it off." 
"Fit when you're in and out when you're out"
"Be aware of what's going on, and join in when you can, Watch the situation, know when to leave the group, and leave quickly."
So 낄끼빠빠 Gikkippappa spent a lot during conversations, driving, sports, and games. 
Sometimes 낄끼빠빠 Gikkippappa is further abbreviated to 낄빠 GGilPPPa. But it's still a lot of 낄끼빠빠 Gikkippappa.  
Interestingly, if you look up the history of Korea, 
It was also a virtue of a 고구려 Goguryeo scholar in the 2nd century. As 을파소 Eulpaso once said, “It is the honorable duty of a scholar to hide when the time is not right and to study when the time is right.”
That's why Koreans often refer to the first document in which 낄끼빠빠 Gikkippappa appeared as a document written in the second century.

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